Sematext :
Helping Organizations to Perform Better
Organizations nowadays use various forms of software that eventually leads to an increase in data and logs , which are extremely critical to monitor . Because of this , organizations end up paying high prices for licensing fees and ongoing operational inefficiencies . To tackle these prevalent issues – a globally distributed organization – Sematext enters the fray with its innovative cloud and on-premise solutions . They offer infrastructure and application performance monitoring and log management solutions - Sematext Cloud and Sematext Enterprise . In addition to the above , Sematext goes the distance to provide Search and Big Data consulting services . They also offer 24 / 7 production support and training for Apache Solr and Elasticsearch to their worldwide clients .
A Visionary who Led Sematext to Glory Otis Gospodnetić , Founder and President of Sematext group , is the visionary who led the company to its current glory . He is the author of several published books , a member of the Apache Software Foundation , and a proficient speaker at several industry events . As an active participant of Apache Software Foundation , he has significantly contributed to Apache Solr and Apache Lucene – a software library positioned at the core of Solr and Elasticsearch .
Prior to Sematext , Otis served at Thomson Reuters as a manager and held the chair of Senior Engineer of Search at Technorati and Wireless Generation . His educational resume includes a Bachelor ’ s Degree in
Computer Science from Middlebury College .
Helping Clients with Performance- Related Issues A decade ago , Sematext was started as a professional service organization . Their service back then included consulting , support and training for Elasticsearch and Apache Solr . While dealing with massive clusters , and helping clients with performancerelated issues , the company found itself in a dire need of tools that were imperative with regards to Solr and Elasticsearch performance metrics . But due to a shortage of tools back then , they could only provide unified monitoring and log management solutions . This prompted Sematext to build its very own tools .
Eventually , Elasticsearch and ELK ( aka Elastic Stack ) became immensely popular among the DevOps circuit for building log indexing and searching functionality . Their Elastic Stack was seen and preferred by the masses as a cheaper alternative of Splunk . Sematext already possessed a deep Elastic Stack expertise , and adding log management to the already existing infrastructure and application performance monitoring was the obvious next step for them . This was the cause behind Sematext ending up with Sematext Cloud , thereby offering an all-in-one unified monitoring and log management .
The Past is Always Tense ; It ’ s about Making the Future Perfect DevOps teams of different organization tend to invest a lot of time and energy to automate the whole workflow , such as CI pipelines and automated deployment , as well as in monitoring operations . Improvements in applications require a consistent need to learn from past failures and strategies , to avoid any repetition of the same .
Sematext provides logging and monitoring tools to gain operational intelligence from development , staging and production environments . They realize that visibility of application and infrastructure metrics combined with logs is what helps an enterprise identify pre-existing and potential issues . It serves as the first step in each of its iteration to solve identified technical problems .
Helping DevOps Team Spend Less Time on Troubleshooting Sematext ’ s Cloud integration enables their customers to collect metrics , logs , and events across their entire stack . They go beyond collecting metrics and detecting anomalies by uncovering applications ’ slowest transactions , tracing communication between servers and applications , and others . Sematext includes a fully-integrated Kibana and exposes the Elasticsearch API . It works smoothly with all standard logging facilities and agents – such as Logstash , Fluentd , Flume , Filebeat , etc . – and integrates the same within minutes . By enabling businesses to collect metrics , logs and events easily – their solution provides a fullstack of visibility through a single pane of glass and helps businesses to extract value from those accumulated data .
Sematext ’ s unified all-in-one monitoring and logging solution eliminates costly context-switching , which a person is forced into while
August 2017