Insights Success Fastest Growing ERP Solution Provider Companies Insights Success Fastest Growing DevOps Solution | Page 30

What Future Holds DevOps Forecast for W ith the implementation of modern DevOps practices, it’s important for IT companies to not to get left behind. In the year of 2016, DevOps was all about security, enhancements, and containerization. However, like every year, the trends have changed quite a lot for the year of 2017. Till date, the prime challenge for DevOps was in the understanding. According to some, it is a collection of concepts, for some, it is a movement. However, it is a combination of two terms, which are developments and operations. DevOps is a new term, where professionals from operations and development departments participate in the entire service lifecycle which starts from design and development and ends in production support stage. Additionally, it is characterized by autonomous teams and continuous learning environment. So, here we are l