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the discipline within their environments. At the end of the
day, companies still need things faster and cheaper while
also being of high quality. As a result, companies will need
to figure out ways ensure investment in DevOps does not
overwhelm the entire organization, stifling innovation and
progress forward. Furthermore, DevOps itself will need to
further optimize its tools and processes for businesses to
manage its exponential growth within organizations. We
believe the optimizations Grok provides with machine
intelligence will help support DevOps and meet the
challenges faced today for businesses as a whole,” – Tarun
answers to the opportunities that come with DevOps.
Razor Focused on Customer Success
Everyone on the Grok team is razor focused on customer
success, which by extension benefits the company itself.
Each of them works to bring their solution to new
customers every day, while uniquely tailoring capability to
a wide variety of IT environments. The team constantly
listens to the market for the latest in the industry,
questioning where future innovations can be made in both
IT operations management and the lifecycle of cloud
Tarun believes that all startups should look to solve human
problems within organizations, building technology and
defensible IP that meets the needs of their clients.
“Companies that build technologies and search for a
problem to solve will struggle to bring their product to
market. Instead, companies should assemble teams of
people who empathize with the problems in enterprise IT
today,” Tarun advises to growing startup companies.
Eyeing for the Better Future
Grok will continue to evolve as the world’s industry-leading
self-healing cloud operations platform. The company’s
platform will include new capabilities to uncover latent
relationships among apps, services, and systems of record
to generate more intelligent triggers to respond to cloud
system changes. Grok also aims to continue to invest in
their learning technologies as the company looks for more
ways to use the data businesses already collect to enhance
the platform’s understanding of client environments.
“We have developed Grok to respond to the pressure
DevOps has within businesses. We hope our solution can
move the industry forward by reducing the cost of IT and