Industry Watch
is the
to the
utomotive industry has been well known for its
massive use of industrial robotics. Since the
implementation of the first industrial robots back in
1960, many of the things have changed. Nowadays, with
increasing demand, the production lines need to be much
more efficient, flexible, precise, and easy to use. Over the
last few years many of the enhancements have been made
on production lines to help workers in their day to day
tasks. With the massive enhancements in the robotics,
recently Ford decided to introduce a robotic arm with eyes
during the production of 2013 Ford Escape. The ‘so called’
eyes are originally a combination of a camera and a laser
placed on the robot wrist, which eventually helps to apply
various parts more precisely. Recently, a Chinese
manufacturer named GWM introduced collaborative robots,
where 27 ABB robots work tirelessly at 30 different
workstations, the collaboration happens between handling
robots and welding robots. Result? One of the most
productive line ever made in the automotive industry.
Thanks to the massive innovation in the robotics industry, a
company named Equipois developed a bionic arm to reduce
the weight applied on a human hand. The device gives
additional 10 pounds of gripping fore to the user, and comes
with sensors, simulated nerves, and actuators that
eventually decreases fatigue. GMC is using the device for
quite some time to reduce stress produced by repetitive
movement. So, let’s have a look from where it all began and
how robotics is coping up with the changing demand and
The beginning of the Robotic revolution in the
Automotive Industry
More than hundred years ago, the founder of Ford Motor
Company, Henry Ford, alongside his team at Highland Park
July 2017