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Preventing Heat-Related Illnesses :
Lessons From Qatar
For best practices to reduce heat-related illness among outdoor workers , the American Society of Safety Engineers ( ASSE ) looked to Qatar . This state , located on the northwestern coast of the Arabian Peninsula , is known for its dry desert climate with daily summer temperatures reaching 104 degrees . How do workers in Qatar keep cool ? ASSE noted the following practices used there to reduce heat-related stress :
• Allowing workers to become acclimated to the heat
• Using engineering controls such as cooling , ventilation and shading
• Providing personal protective equipment such as umbrellas and evaporative bandanas
• Assessing work scheduling and employee rotation
• Placing water stations inside or near rest areas with mandatory water breaks
• Posting heat stress communication materials and safety tips at key work locations
• Banning midday working hours for certain employees during the hottest times of the year
Many of these best practices used in Qatar can be easily adapted to reduce the frequency of heat-related illnesses in the United States . The climate may be different , but the dangerous effects of working in the heat are the same — heat exhaustion that can quickly lead to heat stroke .
visit www . cdc . gov or www . osha . gov for more tips on preventing heat-related illness .
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On The Job With Kate Benson Larson
As an injury management consultant with EMC ’ s Home Office Risk Improvement Department , Kate Benson Larson sees the multiple benefits experienced by policyholders who have implemented post-offer prework screening exams with their job candidates .
“ Revising or creating essential function job descriptions is one of the first steps an employer must undertake before implementing a prework screening program ,” states Benson Larson , who assists EMC policyholders in the planning process , including teaching them how to complete functional job analysis which identifies the essential functions tied to jobs .
According to Benson Larson , the prework screening results help employers determine which job candidates are best qualified to safely perform the physical demands of a job , which , in turn , may reduce the risk of future injuries . She cited a recent policyholder example involving the adoption of prework screening strategies for seasonal workers which resulted in an immediate and season-long drop in medical and lost time workers ’ compensation injuries . “ Their improved claim history will catch up with them in a positive way !”
Eye Protection Is A Must
Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that nearly three out of five injured workers were not wearing eye protection at the time of the accident or were wearing the wrong kind of eye protection for the job .
Manikins Work Up A Sweat For Safety
Learn how researchers are using a sweating thermal manikin to create less burdensome materials and designs for protective clothing used by workers who face the risk of heat stress from potentially prolonged duty in hot and physically stressful work environments .
Firefighter Safety In Extreme Heat
Firefighters will be battling both flames and triple digit temperatures in many parts of the country this summer . The United States Fire Administration offers resources to assist fire departments in establishing an effective emergency incident rehabilitation program .
Increased Vulnerability Of Industrial Control Systems
Industrial control systems , which are used to monitor and control critical infrastructure facilities , were hit with 198 documented cyberattacks in 2012 . Many of these attacks were serious , according to a report from the Department of Homeland Security .
Six Steps for Implementing Prework Screening ( as described in the EMC Employer ’ s Guide to Prework Screening Manual ):
Step One : Target the jobs to be tested by prework screening
Step Two : Analyze the physical demands
Step Three : Develop the prework screening test features and pass / fail criteria
Step Four : Establish consistent procedures before testing begins
Step Five : Validate test procedures and begin testing candidates
Step Six : Review outcome and follow-up data
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