Insight Magazine The Future of Work | Page 14

10 key trends change the w As a decade closes, it’s natural to look ahead to what the next one might hold. What will the world of work look like in the coming decade? The 2020s will be an era of enormous technological change and nowhere will this be clearer than in the workplace. We can expect the nature of companies to change, as well as the make-up of the workforce and even the types of jobs that are required. The 2010s saw the progression of the Fourth Industrial Revolution – an era of digitisation that began at the turn of the century. The First Industrial Revolution was an era of mechanisation, powered by water and steam, and reshaped the world of the late 18th and early 19th Centuries. The Second, in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries, was the era of mass production, made possible by electrification. And the Third, which dominated the second half of the 20th Century, was a digital revolution, powered by information technology. Sustainable Development Goals Climate change is arguably the greatest challenge of the modern age. The behaviour of companies and governments will increasingly be shaped by a need for adaptation and mitigation of the effects of climate change. Companies are already considering the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals when they consider their impact and strategy. Society Here are 10 trends, The Tech Revol The Fourth Indust driven by digitisatio Things is turning mo data – from machine even people thems to 50 billion device electronically connec analysed with artificia machine learning, wh insights, drive efficie opportunities for per companies are shiftin experiences for custo experiences fo Techn The Fourth Industrial Revolution sees a fusion of technologies that blur physical, digital and biological spheres. In the world of work, it marks a shift in power, with employees gaining autonomy through freelancing, the gig economy and increased demand for scarce talent. But the change is not a simple one and it is likely to require a new social contract. A lot can happen in a decade. With the pace of change as it is today, there’s every chance that by the end of the 2020s we will be on the brink of the Fifth Industrial Revolution. To make the most of these developments, individuals, companies, and governments will need to face up to the challenges head-on and as soon as possible. Government While business can do a lot, governments will need policies to support the new world of work. Education, for example, will need to emphasize soft skills, such as problem solving and independent thinking, over memorizing facts and processes. Regulations will need to account for a shift in working habits, with more freelancers and gig economy employees. 5G Linking this technol generation of mobile It allows the sharing quickly, so that areas wired or Wi-Fi inte fully connected. Ent connected with 5G, al the performance of process. Self-driving cities will be connecte and operate m