INSIGHT Magazine Special Home Edition April 2020 | Page 60
5 Tips For Working From Home
During the Coronavirus Pandemic
you’re not used to working at home, it can take some time to get used to the new
challenges and adventures that can it can cause. It’s important to have a defined
schedule and stick to it each day. Avoid sleeping in or lingering over breakfast, get up
continue with your normal routine and get to work just as if you’re driving across town to
your office, but walk over to you home office.
1. Confine your work area to a specific spot
in your home so your job doesn’t bother
the lives of other family members and
you can focus on your work vs what is
happening around you. Have a space that
you designate as your workstation instead
of checking emails, voicemails or texting
in front of TV or spreading work out. Go
to the same designated place each day so
your mind doesn’t wander off.
April 2020 – Special Home Edition