INSIGHT Magazine Special Home Edition April 2020 | Page 54

HOME ENTERTAINMENT seek treasure, back down skeleton hoards and discover the tall tales the world holds. Gamers are also free to engage in battles for each other’s hard-earned pirate booty. All ages can take up to three friends with them on their voyage as you skirmish with other pirate crews on the high seas. Sea of Thieves costs $50 on Xbox One and PC, and is available for free on Xbox Game Pass. Pokemon Go: Walk around your house, yard and neighborhood with the mission of collecting hidden Pokemon that could be lurking everywhere from your kitchen to back patio. The game enlists the use of your mobile GPS and clock, allows you to interact with your friends, and even lets you track their activity in the game. You can create a friends list and engage in some in-game trading and gift-giving. And since news of the COVID-19 outbreak, the game’s manufacturers have made some adjustments that allow you to find more monsters closer to home and features that make the game more consumable in “individual settings.” Mario Kart Tour: Grab Mario, the princess and all of your favorite childhood classic Nintendo pals, toss them in a go-kart, and you’re off! This version raises the stakes even higher, putting you face-to-face with courses that take you underwater and even hang gliding. And the mobile version allows you to bring your friends along for a little friendly competition. It’s the game that Justin Holmes, an emergency medical technician in Rochester Hills, Michigan, has been using to get him through his coronavirus retreat. “It’s a blast!” he says. en-US Honarable Mention: ATTENTION ALL PARENTS! Did you know there is a free game design curriculum for middle and high schoolers? These lesson plans are built for a classroom, but we bet they'd be great at home. All you need is internet and a printer! Check them out here: academy/the-curriculum ✽ 55 April 2020 – Special Home Edition INSIGHT