INSIGHT Magazine Special Home Edition April 2020 | Page 41

bigger ambitions than just running the streets. This series is chop full of action and scheming to get to the top and stay there. I highly recommend. NOTE: The razor blades in the Flat Caps are Peaky Blinder tricks… watch out for it. was very entertained and I heard the second season is just around the corner; so a great time to get this in. NOTE: I heard this was based on a Comic Book. 6: BLACK MIRROR: This series, in a word, is incredible. I might show my age here but it reminds me if the very old school- Twilight Zone and the mid school- Tales from the Darkside had a baby today on Steroids. If you don’t get those references don’t worry, just watch this series. The good part of Black Mirror is it has a lot of seasons and you do not have to watch them in chronological order. Every episode is unique and good luck guessing the ending!!! It is a mind meld every time. NOTE: I love the mixture of actors from here and across the pond. 8. SEARCHING FOR SUGARMAN: This was truly an amazing find for me on Netflix. I really don’t want to give too much away. Being a musician, it was just such a crazy story with an ending one honestly can’t make up…a real life stranger than fiction tale. Following the normal life of a man they call Rodriquez. NOTE: This is not a “Musical” documentary as much as it is a great story. 7: LOCKE AND KEY: I just recently binge watched this 1st season. I am a fan of “out there” works and this is certainly out there. The premise of the show is a family whose Dad recently passed inherits his estate. An estate that also comes with hidden magical keys, each having it’s own particular power. I INSIGHT 9. SOAKED IN BLEACH: I actually first heard of this last year on the anniversary of Kurt Cobain’s “alleged” suicide. As you April 2020 – Special Home Edition 42