INSIGHT Magazine September 2016 | Page 28


By Benjamin Nunnally

The Sunsets are a determined band , above all else .

Only a little over a year since the band ’ s formation , the six-piece new wave rock outfit has already recorded a two-song EP , “ Fatal Attraction ,” and left a trail of shows in its wake , including festival-rock nights and charity shows . The band members — lead singer and keyboardist Torsten Dryden , guitarists Brian Jones and Devin Gordy , bassist Allen Poore , sax player Daniel O ’ Donnell and drummer Breihan Dryden — are all young , but they take pride in taking charge .
“ You have to have that kind of initiative ,” said Torsten Dryden , a grad student at JSU and founder of The Choice , a mental health-focused nonprofit organization in Jacksonville . “ We have goals and we try to execute them and be organized about it .”
In addition to Dryden ’ s position at the head
28 September 2016