Tell us your ultimate super-powered team and
you could Win $50 gift card from O’Charley’s!
by Benjamin Nunnally
ith the smash success of The Avengers and DC Comics working so hard
to jam cameos from their superhero
line into the upcoming Batman vs. Superman
film to prepare audiences for the inevitable
Justice League movie, we’ve started getting curious around the Insight house: what
would be the super team to end all super
Now, we’re not limiting this to just superheroes. The question for this month is, if you could
build a super team out of anyone, fictional or
not, super-powered or not — we’re even letting dead people into this matchup — what
five super humans would you stick together
and what would their mission be?
This is your chance to put together Batman and
Beyonce under the pretense that they make
for a stylish duo, to put together Bear Bryant
with any number of football heroes to create
the perfect coaching team, to create the most
effective group of people at doing anything.
A winner for this month’s $50 O’Charley’s gift
card will be selected at random from submissions we receive, and [