physics books at local booksellers
to tide over fans and bring in new
listeners. According to Williams, it
seemed like a likely spot for metal
fans to congregate, though he’s
even more interested in winning
over non-metalheads.
in “Wolfpeach,” the band jives together in a
way that goes beyond expectations, and their
songs seldom settle into a standard structure
of verse-chorus-verse.
For example, the band’s first single, “noitadnuoF,” starts with an undulating riff and explosive percussion, eventually working into a progressive metal sounding bridge and a striding,
splashy breakdown. Most surprising is the melodic finale, which drops the harsh vocals and
features guitar melodies filling out the more
peaceful sound.
“What I love most is when someone comes up after a show and
says, ‘I don’t like metal, I don’t listen
to metal, but you guys are awesome,’” said Williams. ✽
Visit to
find out more about the band
and keep up with show dates, and head
to download a copy of “noitadnuoF.”
“When you have three guitar players, you
don’t want to fall into just chugging along,”
said Williams. Managing three guitars, each
seven-stringed and detuned into a deeper
register, is handled by keeping the parts distinctly different when possible, and even doing the unthinkable: turning down the gain
on the amplifiers, keeping the distortion from
turning into a muddy, indecipherable din. It’s
a decision many bands wouldn’t dare make,
for which they frequently suffer.
The band plans to release an EP before the end
of the year, with CD copies of “noitadnuoF”
already appearing mysteriously in quantum
September 2014