Cheaha Creative Arts:
The song is unfamiliar at first, but gradually the strains of “Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee” come together from 11-yearold Landon Wilkin’s violin. He focuses on his instrument, lost in the performance. The small room at the Kilby House in Anniston where he performs is almost unable to contain the sound. It’s in this small room that the Cheaha Creative Arts teaches more than half of their classes. The organization started in 2010, intent on delivering the arts to children in a way that is meaningful to them at an affordable price. The organization has grown since its inauguration, from a handful of students to more than 60 in three years, but they still occupy just one, small room. It may not seem like much, but when Landon performs, to him, it’s the entire world. When Executive Director of Cheaha Creative Arts Rose Munford started the foundation, her goal was simple: give kids an after school program where they could learn about the arts, and find safety from the pressures of life in downtown Anniston. “We have to give back to our community if we want it to succeed,” she says. Expert instructors like violinist Diane Chong teach the students fundamental skills like reading music as well as playing technique. Chong received the Teacher of the Year Award from the Teacher’s Association of Alabama for her work with students. She views the lessons that students learn in the program less as hobbies and more like a life skill. “You can’t play sports your whole life, but music or the arts, you can,” she said. Artist Lynn Phillips teaches the visual arts course at the Anniston Yoga Center. She finds that the arts allow freedom of expression to kids that often don’t have any way to express themselves, especially publicly. “The kids come out of their shells,” she says.“It’s an outlet.” Vice-president Jennifer Donovits has seen the benefits of the arts programs first-hand; her 7, 10 and 12-year-old kids have started recognizing famous paintings by name. Her
Creativity and Community
By Ben Nunnally
7-year-old even wrote lyrics and music to a song without any help. “This program gives a chance to every student, and it helps to build their confidence,” said Donovits. Landon says that the program has helped him deal with bullying at school and given him an outlet that may have changed his life. “I live on a side of town where there are some good people and some bad people,” says Landon. “If it wasn’t for Mrs. Rose, I could be out there on the streets, or at least home and bored.” Interim Board President Angela Beichley agrees. “It’s something positive that has a lasting effect,” she says.“It can be beneficial to everyone.” Munford’s goal for the program is to try and grow it from biweekly to weekly, and secure the entirety of the Kilby House for education. As of now, the house is unused except by CCA [?\?H][?[?[??HY????????H[?\?\?Y[?[[??H???[H?[????[??]?\?[?^\??\?x?&\?H??Y[???H\???][?? ?]?[??HXYH??HH??Y[??H\????H?[YX\??\?[??][YK]?[??[??X?][?\???YY?HH?Y[?????HX^H]?H?YX?YX??]?X?\?[?[?H[\?[?K??Y[???[???]^x?&]?H?\?YH]?[?Y[???Y?[?H??[][?]K???X?H???\?H?\??]\?K?[???[Y]?\?]x?&\???[?????[\?H??[?Y\?^Z[??H?[?[?[?X[??\??Y\??\?Y?\?[??\?[??\?[YH[?H???[KX???[???\?[?\??X[?[?x?&\???H???Y]?]8?&\?[?\?X[HX]\?H]LHYX\????8?'H?Y\??Y[????\?X?X]H^H[[??8?'HH?^\?8?'H?\???[?^\?[??]???[?K??'H8?(???X??YHH??Y[??H\??[XZ[???H][???]???K?][????XZ[???K??H?\]Y\?[????X??YHH??Y[??H\??]????XZX?X]]?X\????H?]H[??\?H??\?Z[??]?H??Y[H??\??[?]\?[?H?[?ZYH????[H???????B???\[X?\??L?B??S??Q???