INSIGHT Magazine October 2016 | Page 13 who showed us around the building and let us get a behind the scenes look at what goes on. Part of the fun is in the surprises, so don’t expect spoilers, but you may be interested to know: • You might not see the clowns, but the clowns see you. Thanks to clever hiding spaces, there’s hardly anywhere in the clown room that isn’t under their watchful eye — a fact they gleefully exploit when visitors enter. • The revolving hallway walls are rotated by a surprisingly small engine attached to an equally small wheel. The walkway inside doesn’t move, though it sure feels like it does. • The smoke seen throughout several rooms is vegetable glycerin running through fog machines, which turns into INSIGHT a soupy, thick fog. Sometimes it smells a little sweet. The majority of the time, it’s also crammed full of psychopaths. • A certain film legend appears in one room, with claws that spark when he runs them over metal surfaces. The claws are powered by a hard-to-see cable that runs to a car battery. It may sound dangerous, but try to remember that a fire department runs the show and the performer knows what he’s going. Still, be safe and don’t shake his hand. • The Whiteout Room isn’t as big as it seems when it’s full of fog (though that’s a small comfort while fumbling for the walls, trying to find a way out). • The hallway that staff use to get from room to room is nearly as creepy as the rooms themselves. It’s dark, narrow, lined October 2016 13