INSIGHT Magazine October 2015 | Page 63

“Love, huh? That’s a strong word for a woman you’ve never named,” Lyle fished. A name wouldn’t ruin the magic of the story. No, it’d finally give him a name card to the face he drew in his mind. Ben had gone through the top quarter of his fresh beer. He leaned back in his chair and smacked his tongue against his lip. The look he gave Lyle was one that could turn people to pillars of salt. “I really got you hook, line, and sinker, huh, kid?“ Ben sat up straight and fixed his coat to sit straight. He looked at himself in the mirror behind the bar, scratched the underside of his chin, then smirked. “Tell you what, if you can guess her name, I’ll tell you if you’re right.“ He grabbed a coaster and pulled a pen out of his pocket. He scribbled on the non-printed side of the beer soak. He put his hand on it and slid his hand away from himself. “One chance, kid. What’s the lady with the beguiling smile’s name?“ “One guess?! That’s hardly fair. There’s a lot of names out there!“ “Those are the terms, kid. Take ‘em or leave ‘em,“ replied Ben with a smile that could be described as “shit eating.” Lyle leaned against the back rack, but jumped from a blast of cold air the A/C sputtered out. His face contorted from the cold and his inability to come up with a name. “Millie,” Lyle finally ventured. Ben frowned while shaking his head up and down. “Well, let’s see,“ said Ben, removing his hand from the coaster. Lyle’s heart began beating fast. He surprised himself in how excited he was for all this. The words “TURN AROUND” were written in very immaculate script. All INSIGHT at once his excitement was gone. His shoulders slumped as he stared at Ben, who had taken on a poker face. “Something wrong?“ “Yeah. That isn’t a name. Come on man, if you’re going to yank my chain, at least warn me first.” “Or instead of pouting you could, you know, turn around,“ said Ben in a even tone. Lyle cocked an eyebrow. “You want me to turn around and look at the mirror behind me?“ To that, Ben replied with a nod. “Ok, I’ll turn around and look at my own reflection so you can get a good laugh.“ Ben simply nodded again. Lyle turned to face the mirror. Instead of his reflection, a woman with a most beguiling smile was staring back at him. She blew on the glass of the mirror from her side and wrote the name “MARA” into the condensation. The color from Lyle’s face drained. He turned back to the rest of the room. Everyone was still there, save for Ben. Another coaster was sitting on the bar. Lyle checked over his shoulder, only to see his reflection again.