by Benjamin Nunnally
here can be little doubt the zombie
apocalypse is upon us. We at Insight’s
End of the World Predictions Department can’t say for sure why it’s going to happen — zombie invasions are usually thin
on plot — but our supercomputers, doomsmelling dogs and magic 8-ball all say that
we’re on a crash course with an undead uprising in the near future.
Rather than rest on our collective laurels,
we’ve decided to ask the good readers of
Insight: what’s your strategy for surviving
the Calhoun County zombie apocalypse?
Where would you hole up, what would you
bring with you, who needs to be saved and
what’s your game plan once the zed take to
the streets? Just fill in your response in the
feedback form on this page or the back of the
magazine and you’ll be entered to win!
A winning responder will be selected at random to win a gift card from Anniston’s Peerless Saloon and Grille, and will also probably
have to deal with the guys from Insight bogarting your plans. You don’t mind if we shack
up at your place, right?
October 2014