INSIGHT Magazine November 2018 | Page 13

CSI video “It allows us to keep our doors open.” “It always surprises me when I look at the annual budget and I recognize that the amount of money that DHR can give to us to operate the home. It hasn’t kept up with the rate of inflation,” Fuller continues. “That really forced our board to focus most of our efforts on fundraising.” The Parris Home is one of two group homes for foster children in Calhoun County, where there are now 270 children in the care of DHR. “There’s just such a huge need to place children into foster case, and The Parris Home exists because, some of these kids, they display some behavioural issues… And sometimes those actions are just a little too INSIGHT much for the families to handle, and when that happens DHR has to look somewhere else and we are that source.” “We are there to try to keep them out of medical facilities. We are there to try to give them a loving home and give them care providers, give them the care that they need to go through this healing process and recovery process and that comes with a cost.” Beer Fest 2018 is just one way to support Children’s Services Inc. You can also make monetary donations online. ✽ DONATE November 2018 13