by Benjamin Nunnally
atrina Collins’ art is all about
grabbing viewers and yanking them
into another world.
the works, finding hidden objects particular
to the viewer, like stretching out on a lawn
and finding shapes in the clouds overhead.
Intricate mazes of tightly coiled lines curl
together to create unusual landscapes,
illustrations of anatomy, figures that spark
the imagination and let the viewer find what
they want to see in the images.
Her color images work similarly, Pollackesque splatters of paint with heavily-lined
inking to define shapes, as in “XXXXXXX,”
which Collins designed to have texture for
viewers to feel, which she plans to encourage
in more of her upcoming works as a way to
let people experience the life of the works.
“I like filling in the void, to fill in those spaces,”
said Collins, a senior at JSU’s drawing major.
She finds inspiration for her work in nature,
pulling textures from organic matter like
tree bark for “Outside,” or drawing on the
influence of art magazine Heavy Metal for
anatomical drawings that feature cellular
patterns, bone interiors and abstract
visualizations of organs. Part of the fun of
the work is letting your imagination loose on
“Everything has life; even those pictures,
they’re not alive but they have life,” said
Collins. “I want you to be able to feel like you
could touch it and feel what it really feels
Get in touch with Katrina on Facebook at
November 2014