OCTOBER Contest Results!
Last month we asked you to tell us
your strategy for surviving the October
Zombiepocalyse, and were totally wowed
with your responses.
Scotty Royal told us he’s got Michael Jackson’s
“Thriller” cued up for the zombie apocalypse,
saying “Make sure you click on that repeat
button and once they all start dancing you
can easily walk away.” This guy is a GENIUS.
Susan Kirk said she’d head immediately
underground, straight into a fallout shelter,
outlasting the apocalypse by happily waiting
as it rages overhead.
Ed Gibson is the champion of fake-outs, saying
that he’d just go to a graveyard because the
zombies are bound to be roaming the streets
instead of abandoned cemeteries.
Michael Wilks will head into a hayloft with
food, weapons and ammunition and pop
zombie heads as they shamble by, and if that
doesn’t work, he reckons he’d just join the
horde and go on a rampage, too.
After choosing a name at random from the
responses we received, we’ve determined
this month’s winner to be Charles Bromberg,
who plans to skip all the running and hiding
and go straight to being a zombie, because if
you can’t beat ‘em, you might as well join ‘em
(and eat people). Keep an eye on your inbox,
Charles, for instructions on claiming your
Peerless gift card!
Thanks to everybody who participated, and
as always: when dealing with zed, aim for the
head. ✤
November 2014