stalled will pop up in your Contact list. Send
short messages, pictures, audio notes and
more. There’s even a useful Group Conversation mode (great for discussing Spring Break
Near + Now - Enjoy the freedom of exploring your Spring Break destination
without paying some creepy guy to show
you around. Avoid getting bad directions
from a disgruntled local. This App lists all the
cool locations like clubs, bars, restaurants or
other great places to see based on your current location. The suggestions get better as
you rate things you like.
Pandora Radio or iHeart Radio – Everyone loves music on Spring Break,
Both are simple and will supply all the music
you need for the party on the beach!
Tips for Buying Good, Cheap Wine
1. Get Off the Beaten Wine Path:
Fort the best bargain wine bottles,
start by looking off the beaten path.
Check out regions that are experimenting with unexpected grape varieties or are still experiencing their
own international wine ascent
2. Seek Second Labels: If you are
going for Champagne taste on a beer
budget, then scouting out second labels will be well worth your time.
3. Sweet Treats: An innate sweet tooth
groomed and grown on soft drinks will
be delighted with the inflow of good and
cheap sweet wine on the market. From
bubbly boasting some serious sugar to
Moscato and sweet-styled Riesling , these
sweet wine treats are made for light-hearted, easy-going sips and don't take themselves or their price points too seriously.
4. Share with Friends: Get 5 Friends together and set the dollar per wine bottle
limit. Then have everyone bring their best
budget wine finds to the collective table for
a low-priced taste off. For the price of a bottle, everyone will get palate access to five
budget-friendly wines and the opportunity
to add some new wine finds to their buying
March 2014