Components of
General Fitness
by Terry L Gray, CPT
would like to welcome subscribers of
Calhoun County Insight to this first
monthly column having to do with the
many varied interests readers may have
concerning fitness, exercise, and overall
wellness. It is my goal to provide you with
timely and useful information that will inspire and motivate you to either begin or
to continue on your path of health and fitness.
First, I am a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT)
through the National Federation of Professional Trainers (NFPT), one of the premier
CPT-certifying organizations in the nation.
Also, I am proud to be the new regional
trainer for HomeFit Consulting, LLC, headquartered in Birmingham. We specialize in
bringing fitness coaching to you, through
either live personal training in your home/
office or through online training.
As this first column is being published on
the heels of one of the coldest winters on
record for this area, it is important to get
back into the routine now that spring is just
around the corner. If you have lulled a bit
during this frigid weather, then you may
wish to evaluate your fitness-related goals
anew as you prepare to kick things back up
into high action.
As most readers are probably not professional or collegiate athletes who are attempting to maximize a particular sport
or athletic endeavor, it is a pretty good bet
that a good general fitness routine would
be of the most widespread value. Hence,
this first column will be devoted to a basic
discussion of what constitutes an adequate
general fitness routine. Subsequent columns will often delve more deeply into various specifics and/or seek to answer readers’ questions and concerns.
In harmony with NFPT recommendations,
your general fitness routine should consist
of four basic parts: cardiorespiratory conditioning, muscular endurance, muscu-
March 2014