By Kelsey Butler
ive your children have the best
summer ever at the Y! The YMCA
of Calhoun County has a packed
lineup for summer 2017.
Shane Ruffin, President and CEO of the
YMCA of Calhoun County, says theY wel-
comes approximately 125 campers per week
and 1,400 over the course of the summer.
“We raise $200,000 every year to make sure
that all kids, regardless of ability to pay full
price, are guaranteed a camp experience,”
says Ruffin.
According to the Y, day camps are centered
around discovery. “Kids have the oppor-
tunity to explore nature, find new talents,
try new activities, gain independence, and
make lasting friendships and memories.”
Ruffin has been at the YMCA of Calhoun
County for almost three years, and he’s “been
with the Y [his] entire career, 17+ years.” He
has served the Y in Nashville, Los Angeles,
Cincinnati, Dallas and Savannah Georgia.
“I love helping people and strengthening
the community,” says Ruffin. “Whether it’s
caring for 400+ kids at our nine after school
academies across the county, helping an
active older adult regain mobility in water
aerobics, providing membership support to
families in need, offering 45 hours a week
of fitness classes, or teaching kids to swim
all the work we do comes back to our mis-
sion: to put Christian principles into practice
through programs that build healthy spirit,
mind and body for all.”
June 2017