better you! Why go at it alone?
Now, onto those that do have an idea of what
needs to be changed yet haven’t taken the
steps to narrow it down and take action. A
number of guidelines exist specifically for
health behavior change, but I wanted to keep
it simple for you:
Determine: Begin by identifying the
behavior(s) that needs to be changed. Examine your life and be brutally honest with how
you treat your mind and body. Ask a family
member or friend to share what they think
you need to work on. (Caution: prepare yourself because this may begin a conversation
that your family member/friend has wanted
to have for quite some time). Once you have
determined what needs to be changed, move
on to the next step.
Decide: At this point you’re probably aware
that it’s either your diet, lack of exercise, limited sleep, or stress that’s hurting your waste
line. Honestly, it may be all of these! Rather
than getting overwhelmed at all the changes
that need to be made, set yourself up for success and decide which ONE you feel the most
confident in your ability to change. (For me,
exercise is the easiest behavior to maintain;
followed by sleep; then diet; then stress). In
reference to last month’s article, human behavior tends to operate like a ripple effect,
both negatively and positively. What led you
to sleepless nights and terrible diet may have
begun with minimal time to exercise. So take
it the other direction for example. Deciding
to exercise regularly often leads to cleaner
eating, reduced stress levels, and more efficient sleep.
Devote: Just like all other facets of your life
(i.e., work, relationships, hobbies, etc.) you
remain devoted to each of them. Sure, there
are good days and bad days, but you never
quit! So let me ask you this question. Why
would you choose to quit on yourself? Make
the conscious decision to remain devoted to
yourself and ask those in your social support
groups to hold you accountable. Those that
make sure you “stay the course” are your true
Take Home Message: Determine what
needs to be changed, decide on the behavior that you are the most likely to succeed in
changing, and remain devoted to your decision. I dare you to do it! ✽
For questions or comments, shoot me an
email to [email protected]
or give us a call at 205-675-7412.
June 2014