INSIGHT Magazine July 2019 | Page 36

JULY EVENTS 3 Jax Fest in Jacksonville 6 till 8pm at high school football stadium This annual celebration is a fun family event. Gates open at 5:00pm. Caldonia takes the stage at 6:00pm followed by Soul Survivor Band at 7:00pm. Fireworks will begin at 9:00pm. Don't forget your lawn chairs. Vendors, kids activities and giveaways will be part of this fun night. 3 Red, White and Brews Blind Dart Tournament at Rack & Roll – 7pm 4 Oxford Freedom Festival 8am till 9pm at Oxford Lake FREE CONCERT "Atlanta Pops Orchestra" Oxford Lake Park Concert begins at 7:30 Antique Cars, Games, Prizes, Food Ven- dors, Clown, Parade, Petting Zoo, Train Rides and More 36 8:00am Around the Lake ramble for se- nior adults walk and get a ribbon 8:30am Parade- Registration & Line-up in the baseball parking lot. (if raining the Parade will be inside gym at Civic Center) 9:00 am PARADE Children dressed in patriotic costumes may walk or ride in non-motorized vehicles down McCullars Lane. **ALL CHILDREN MUST WEAR A HELMET IF RIDING** 9:15am OFFICIAL OPENING CEREMO- NIES! 9:30am Petting Zoo at the end of Civic Center building close to covered bridge. 9:40am Pet Show (beside the swimming pool) 9:45am-11:30am Free Carnival games and prizes for children inside Civic Center 1:00pm Swim Races at Oxford Lake swimming pool ( Admission $2 each) 7:30pm FREE CONCERT IN PARK! ATLANTA POPS ORCHESTRA 9:00PM FIREWORKS SHOW 5 Creature Teacher at Anniston Museum The Anniston Museum houses a variety of live animals who enhance the Exhibit Halls July 2019 INSIGHT