the sand! Museum educators will be avail-
able at the Discovery Station to help iden-
tify the seashells and explain how different
invertebrates survive. Seashells must be
returned to the sand box before leaving the
shell dig. Activity is free with paid admis-
sion. Members are free.
Catch Cheyenne at Anniston Museum
Visit us every Thursday afternoon in June
and July to “Catch Cheyenne” in our Exhibit
Halls! Cheyenne and a surprise live animal
will be in a different Exhibit Hall every week
to share fun facts about her friend and how
the animal relates to the exhibit. Program is
free with paid admission. Members are free
Nocturnal Night at the Museum
Ever wonder what happens at your local
museums after dark? Join us and find out!
This special program is designed to en-
tertain and educate children ages 7 to 12.
Children will spend their Friday night with
museum educators discovering their mu-
seum in a whole new light (or lack thereof ).
Activities will include an educational walk
of the Bird of Prey Trail, live animal encoun-
ters, AMNH Exhibit Hall trivia, a visit to the
Berman Museum for a specialty tour, and
more! Drop off time is 5:00pm at Anniston
Museum of Natural History and pick up is
Saturday morning at 8:00am. Pre-registra-
tion is REQUIRED and limited to 20 children.
Registration ends Friday, July 20. Call 256-
237-6766 to register your child today! Din-
ner, a bedtime snack, and breakfast will be
provided for all attending. Participants are
required to bring their own pillow, sleep-
ing bag, and any other items necessary for
bedtime. This event is for children only.
Boys and girls are welcome. Separate sleep-
ing areas will be provided for boys and girls.
There will be a minimum of one staff mem-
ber for every 5 children. During registration,
please inform the museum of any dietary
and/or special medical needs. Ticket price:
$35/members; $45/non-members Sibling
Discount: $10 off each additional ticket
when purchasing 2 or more tickets
Tom Foolery’s Juggling Extravaganza
at Jacksonville Public Library – 2pm - A fun
filled demonstration of the finest juggling,
unicycling, balancing and comedic skills,
Tom’s high energy comedy and friendly an-
tics will delight audiences of all ages!
Shell Dig & Discover
Anniston Museum - Alabama is known
for having a wide diversity of plants and
animals, all thanks to the variety of habi-
tats found throughout the state. Join us to
explore the sandy shore habitat and learn
more about the animals that make their
home along the sea floor. The Shell Dig &
Discover is designed for children 12 and un-
der; however, all are welcome to dig in the
sand! Museum educators will be available
at the Discovery Station to help identify the
seashells and explain how different inverte-
brates survive. Seashells must be returned
to the sand box before leaving the shell dig.
Activity is free with paid admission. Mem-
bers are free. ✽
July 2018