INSIGHT Magazine July 2014 | Page 32

Sherrow: Only the original recipe is actually hers. It’s a family recipe that’s been made over the years. Mom grew up in a family of eight so they were all constantly cooking and coming up with things together. The others are ones that I have come up with on my own over the years and just demoed them along with the original to see how my customers would respond. I have sometimes had people offer to buy the jar of whatever I’m letting them try right there on the spot. have their own schedules and lives so it’s hard to help a lot, but they do what they can. My mom is still amazed at how much it’s grown. She worries that I am stretching myself too thin with all that I’m trying to do. That’s just a mom for you though! My wife has her own business, Kid’s First childcare, so she helps out as much as possible. My daughter helps with the labels at times and my son enjoys going to the markets and helping me sell and reach out to new customers. Megan: What’s the strangest thing you have ever tried one of your sauces on? Megan: What has been the most fulfilling part of this experience, and where do you see yourself going from here? Sherrow: I would have to say oysters baked with the Angry Apricot sauce would be the strangest thing I can think of. It was kind of a variation of Oysters Rockefeller if you have ever had that. I just baked the oysters and shaved some fresh parmesan cheese on them with some of the Angry Apricot sauce. It was pretty good! Megan: So how does your family feel about your business? Are they able to help out? Sherrow: Oh they love it! They 32 Sherrow: Repeat customers and the rave reviews I get are definitely the most rewarding part of all this. I have had several people tell me that they didn’t eat mustard prior to trying my product, but that my product changed their mind! I would love to be able to find a place in either the Calhoun or Talladega area and start a production facility. I have had several people approach me with recipes of their own wanting me to co-package their product as soon as I have my own July 2014 facility. I would like to be able to target hiring veterans and disabled workers as well. I know how it feels to have to leave a job you love because of an injury. I would like to give the flexibility and opportunity back to those who are willing to work, but that just can’t handle the demands of a regular mainstream job. It’s just a matter of continuing to make connections and letting the products speak for themselves! ✽ Mr. Richard Sherrow is currently looking for investors or anyone who is interested in wholesaling his product. If you or someone you know is interested please contact him at: rsherrow37@yahoo. com INSIGHT