INSIGHT Magazine July 2014 | Page 24

Health INSIGHT The Daily Hurdler by Cody J. Robinson, MS, MPH, CSCS W ho knew that when you made the decision to change your lifestyle behaviors that you would begin training like an Olympic hurdler?! True, I’m not saying that you mark a 60 meter lane on your neighborhood street and start sprinting. I’m referring to the fact that we all have barriers in our paths that cause us to stumble. When trying to lose weight there will always be temptation. Oftentimes a nap seems more appealing than lunges, and a sleeve of Oreos is more attractive than carrots with hummus. Stop for a second and think on your temptations. Jot them down on a scratch sheet of paper and think on what you can do to avoid each hurdle in the future. You’ll be surprised how by simply thinking on each one will lead you to make the conscious decision to overcome each barrier. Yes, some battles will be lost, but the end goal is the when the war (i.e., lost of 10 pounds). As health coaches and personal trainers we take each person and help them identify exactly what gets in the way of achieving their goals. In addition to that, we take a long look 24 at the environment (i.e., social support, physical environment, external stressors, etc.) and help you surround yourself with a positive environment that allows you to maintain a consistent stride toward reaching your desired “finish line” of change. Last year I began compiling a list common barriers to regular exercise and important steps for overcoming each one. Below you will see the breakdown of what I consider the two main hurdles we all face at some point in our lives: 1. Time - The pace of today’s society has accelerated to a point where it feels nearly impossible to complete all items on our daily checklist. We simply have to choose what are the top priorities and work intently to mark them off. Unfortunately, when it comes to taking care of our bodies the priority level is often marked as “-Low” or “!Normal” rather t [