Dry Skin Fixes at Home
Papaya - Papaya is packed with vita-
min A and C which is not only nourishing
for dry skin but also increases collagen
production which keeps the skin looking
younger for a longer time. Your skin will
feel supple within a few days of using this
Don’t we love eating them? Now use
chocolate to make a natural moisturiser.
The cocoa content in it also helps increase
blood flow to the skin and the flavonoids
absorb UV light. Chocolate also helps in
the skin renewal process.
• Depending on the area to be massaged, mash chunks of papaya in a
• Get dark chocolate (more than 70%
cocoa) powder.
• Add curd to and make a thick mixture.
• Add honey to it and mix well.
• Now rub the pack all over your skin and
keep it for 15 minutes at least.
• Add a few drop of olive oil for added
• Wash off with plain water and pat dry
• Apply all over and let it dry for 15-20
Raw milk
• Now wash off with lukewarm water
Raw milk can help keep your skin smooth
and supple. It also helps brighten your
skin tone and reduce spots due to the
lactic acid present in it. But you need to
apply it for a couple of weeks before you
see noticeable results.
• Take a cup of raw milk and add a pinch
of turmeric powder to it.
• You can also add milk cream for added
• Apply this on your skin 15 minutes before you bathe
January 2015