MUSIC INSIGHT and now . So much has changed since the days of going to a record or cd store to purchase the newest release . Johnny explained to me that if a group is not a huge name in the industry now , they do not make the income from music sales that musicians did in the past . Stealing music is a huge problem and even when it is purchased , it simply does not bring in the money it once did . " If you like a band , help keep them alive ", Johnny said as he was explaining that the best way to support the bands today is to buy tickets to shows and purchase merchandise . A lot of musicians make most of their money out on the road , not from record sales .
Being a seasoned musician , I wondered if Johnny had another job when he is off the road . " This is it for me ," he said with a satisfied resolve in his voice . Johnny knows he has always been meant to be a full-time musician .
The band ' s lead singer , David , teaches at the University of Georgia when he is not on the road . All of the band members call
Georgia home , except Johnny , who lives in Colorado with his wife and fourteen year old son . Johnny also has a twentyeight year old son .
" What do you do when you come off the road ?", I asked with great curiosity . I have always wondered if fame changes the daily lives of people who are not in their teens . Johnny chuckled and said , " The first couple of days I decompress . I do normal things like go grocery shopping and cook . After a couple of days , I am a normal dad and husband . My son and I like to play tennis and I like to take my bike out and go on rides ." He is also part of a country band when Cracker is not touring called The Hickman-Dalton Gang founded by band mate , Jim Dalton , and Johnny .
Johnny speaks of music like it is an old , trusted friend saying , " I never get too far from it ." I asked him what his favorite song is that he has written or played . I think he answered perfectly when he said , " That is something I can ' t choose .
32 February 2017