INSIGHT Magazine February 2015 | Page 26

100 Must Know Spanish Words 1. gracias (thanks) 2. ser (to be) 3. a (to) 4. ir (to go) 5. estar (to be) 6. bueno (good) 7. de (of, from) 8. su (your, her, his, their) 9. hacer (to do, to make) 30. aquí, allí (here, there) 10. amigo (friend) 31. querer (to want, to love) 11. por favor (please) 32. hola (hello) 12. no (no) 33. tú (you) 13. en (on, in) 34. poder (to be able) 14. haber ("to have" as an auxiliary verb) 35. gustar (to be pleasing) 15. tener (to have, to possess) 36. poner (to put) 16. un, uno, una (a, one) 37. casi (almost) 17. ahora (now) 38. saber (to know) 18. y (and) 39. como (like, as) 19. que, qué (that, what) 40. donde (where) 20. por (for, by) 41. dar (to give) 21. amar (to love) 42. pero (but) 22. quién (who) 43. se (itself, herself, himself, themselves) 23. para (for, to) 44. mucho (much) 24. venir (to come) 45. nuevo (new) 25. porque (because) 46. cuando (when) 26. el, la, los, las (the) 47. chico, chica (boy, girl) 27. antes (before) 48. entender (to understand) 28. más (more) 49. si (if) 29. bien ("well" as an adverb) 26 February 2015 INSIGHT