on the porch with the band while they
work it out.
When a dog barks at the band and joins
in halfway through a song, it’s hard to get
upset; somehow these people you’ve never met are already friends of yours, and all
you can do is laugh.
“All ages, all races, everyone seems to enjoy it,” said Brown. “Our demographic is
just everybody.”
The band heads into their next recording
session during the first week of December, with plans to release the EP on CD at
their Dec. 14 show at Hubbard’s Off Main
in Oxford. The new recording will be the
first to feature McCary’s violin, and according to Girdwood, should show off the
band’s growth since The Front Porch Ses-
“It wasn’t until this summer that we got
everyone together,” said Girdwood. “We
all really feed off of each other. It’s great
to see how far we’ve gone since then.”
Check out the Rattlesnake Rattlers online at and hear The Front Porch Sessions
The Rattlesnake Rattlers will be giving
away a new EP at their Dec. 14 show at
Hubbard's Off Main in Oxford from 6-9
p.m. Donations for the CD are accepted.
The band also performs at Rock Against
Hunger 2014, Dec. 19 at 8 p.m. with Kill,
Baby… Kill!, Chad Shivers and the Silent
Knights, McPherson Struts, Sweet Southern Comfort, Keyton and more. ✤
December 2014