INSIGHT Magazine December 2014 | Page 14

home that is operated by ABCH for one year. Over the course of the year, the mother participates in a variety of training and classes to help her become independent. These classes include job training, financial training, as well as parenting classes. “We want to help these women become the mothers they have always wanted to be,” Mr. Embry explains. “Our goal is to help them rebuild their life.” So far the organization has seen great success with this new project and would like to expand it to be able to help more than one family at a time. When asked what his greatest needs for ABCH are, the first thing Mr. Embry asks for is our prayers. “We start and end everything with prayer,” he tells me. ABCH will be hosting an Open House on December 7, 2014 from 2-5pm and he personally wants to extend the invitation to all who can be there! “It’s the one time of year when our doors are open to the public and we invite everyone in to experience what life is like for the children at the Friendship house,” he enthusiastically explains. “The ladies of WMU provide our refreshments and we have a great time!” Ted Embry truly has a heart for children and families. You can hear it in his voice as he ex14 plains to me the goals and dreams for the future of the Alabama Baptist Children’s Home and Family Ministries. “God has been amazing in how he has positioned my life,” he humbly tells me. “To see what all he has allowed me to experience and be a part of is truly amazing.” It is Mr. Embry’s deepest desire to help whomever he can, and I find that so prevalent this time of the year. This season, I hope we can all open our hearts more for those who don’t have a home for the holidays. I am truly grateful for this organization and all it means to our community. ✤ Ted Embry encourages anyone who wishes to volunteer or donate to contact him at: Email: [email protected] Phone: 256-831-4081 Alabama Baptist Children’s Home & Family Ministries 1210 Friendship Rd. Oxford, AL 36203 Website: December 2014 INSIGHT