By Megan Brooks Moore
am overwhelmed with admiration for
those among us who are able to extend
their homes and hearts to the less fortunate, especially children. I recently sat down
with Ted Embry, the director of the Alabama
Baptist Children’s Home & Family Ministries (ABCH) in Calhoun County. Mr. Embry
explained the role and ambitions for the
organization, as well as what the greatest
needs were at this time. It is my hope that
this holiday season I can inspire and encour-
age my readers to volunteer to be a part of
something much bigger than the hustle and
bustle! To look past the twinkling lights and
decorations and truly see what giving is all
Ted Embry grew up in Talladega, Alabama
and received an education degree from Jacksonville State University, where he met his
wife Nora while they were students there. He
then went on to get a master’s in Social Work
December 2014