see it play out is always such a rewarding
feeling. I also enjoy the nutrition aspect
of competitive cycling and the vital role
nutrition plays in performance. Being a
registered dietitian nutritionist, I “nerd out”
on creating a nutrition formula that fits my
needs and lifestyle as well as supports a
complete picture of health and wellness.
Athletes are a special breed of people
who require specialized nutrition plans
- plans that support lifelong well-being
while meeting the high energy demands
their sport requires. Being able to practice
developing plans and meeting energy
requirements on myself gives me good
practice for being able to help my sports
nutrition clients accomplish their goals.
Seeing all of these pieces come together
and allow me to get on the line each race is
really special.
What’s it like teaming up with
your mom?
My mom has always been my best friend.
Growing up seeing her race and watching
her come across the finish line first so any
times was always so thrilling for me. Now
being able to be in the races with her
side by side, I get to see just how much
goes into those wins. I get to see a whole
new perspective on how she races and
now understand how incredible it is that
she raced the majority of her years as an
unattached rider with no teammates. I love
having one of the best mentors and biggest
advocators for women cycling as my mom
and now teammate. I learn something new
every time we ride and race together. I am
so thankful we get to share this process of
building a team together.
How do you balance fun and passion in
this competitive sport?
I like to surround myself with people who
support each other and are able to have
fun together on the bike. We’ve built such
a strong community and sense of family
in Supra Cycling Club. Mom and Andrew’s
vision for Supra Cycling Club was to
combat the elitism of cycling and create
an environment for learning and growing
together, and it has played out beautifully.
We have members of all ages and all levels
of skill. Our group rides are always fun, even
on our “death marches” lead by Andrew
Crater (team director). Taking time to rest
also plays a large role in maintaining my
personal balance in life. I have found that I
have to allow myself the time to get on my
bike for pure enjoyment such as strolling
down our local bike trail to a coffee shop
and just enjoying nature. Or allowing
myself to spend a day with friends off the
bike and participating in other activities
such as hiking or photography.
What do you wish people knew
about cycling?
I wish spectators and even some cyclists
knew what a team sport cycling really is.
I’ve noticed over the years that so many
people will ask my mother why she doesn’t
win as much anymore. I’ve seen my mother
give up her race time and time again over
the last few years so a teammate can get
in top placing. More recently I’ve seen her
give up her race to set me up for success
and lead me out for a win. I’ve seen this in
my brother’s cycling career as well and the
mental toll it took on him when people
wondered why he wasn't winning. Each
April 2019