Insight 2014 March 2014 | Page 8

2. Christians must use the power of truth: All God’s truth is powerful. God’s truth of whatever kind is much more powerful than the devil’s lies. John said in his prologue to the fourth Gospel, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:5) Truth is much more powerful than bombs and tanks and weapons. How many of us are sufficiently aware and care enough about the social evils that are so prevalent around us? Even if we do, do we see it cause enough for the Church to do something about? “Just as we need the doctrinal apologists in evangelism to argue the truth of the gospel, so we need ethical apologists in social action to argue the truth and the goodness of the moral law of God,” argues John Stott. We should use our minds for Jesus Christ, speak and write and broadcast and televise in order to command a Christian option and influence public opinion. Throughout the history of the Church, Christians have influenced the secular culture around them to varying degrees. Early Christians began to influence the Roman culture. For example, in Ancient Rome, because of Christian influence, the lives of women were improved, rape became a crime with severe punishment, the right of a husband to put his wife to death was abolished, divorce laws were tightened so that husbands could no longer throw their wives on the street for any-odd reason. Because of this moral influence, women were elevated to a status they had never enjoyed under the previous religious and political system. In Ancient Rome unwanted children were simply killed in the womb or tossed on the streets to die. If they didn’t die of exposure, they were picked up by baby-merchants who would sell them into appalling situations. Early theologians such as Tertullian, Athenagoras, Clement of Alexandria, Augustine of Hippo, and Jerome, all challenged the Roman practice of abortion and infanticide. It was Christian campaigning which eventually persuaded the Emperor Justinian to outlaw this practice in AD 529. Christian influence led to the abolishment of the gruesome gladiatorial shows and improved the conditions of the poor and of slaves. None of this happened overnight. It took many, many years, indeed centuries, of faithful and persistent work. 3. Christians must use the power of example The greatest argument is a demonstration. Truth is more powerful when it’s exhibited through the lives. One Christian nurse in a hospital, one Christian teacher in a school, one Christian in a shop or in a factory or office or in politics. Christians are marked people. The world is watching. This is how God intends to transform the world. It is siad that Charles Haddon Spurgeon once said that “every member who joins my church is expected to do something for his fellow creatures”. In 1860s Spurgeon founded a school for needy children, almshouses for the elderly, and Stockwell orphanages. F B Meyer, a gifted evangelist and pastor of Melbourne Hall in Leicester, set up social programmes to rehabilitate drunkards and exconvicts. During his tenure as pastor of Christ Church, Lambeth, he organised teams of Christians to gather evidence on the local brothels and submit it to the Police that lead to the closure of over 700 brothels. 4. Christians must use the power of the group Although, in most the South Asian nations, Christianity is a minority, history has proven time and again that the power of a dedicated minority cannot be easily ignored for long. American sociologist Robert Belair says, “We should not underestimate the significance of the small group of people who have a vision of a just and gentle world. The quality of a whole culture may be changed when two percent of its people have a new vision.” This is the way of Jesus. The way to change the old society is to implant within it his new society with its different values and different standards and different joys and different goals; so that, people see and are attracted. Jesus said, “They will see your good works, and will give glory to your Father in heaven.” He began of a small