Insight 2014 March 2014 | Page 24

Rev. S. Renny Samuel, Dean, Global School of Counselling TRAINING CARE-GIVERS “Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Capitalize on who have helped us in the launch of this new pro- what comes.” Zig Ziglar gramme including Drs. David and Beth Grant, Rev. David The vision for the Global School of Counselling is to Cawston, Rev. Mathew and Mrs. Estelle Daniel. The first equip, encourage and empower caregivers. It has been batch of nine students is receiving training that is one an exciting journey as we have begun to see just of its kind in the country. that unfold right before our eyes. The academic year 2013-14 has been yet another year of God’s favor and Special guidance. It has been a challenging year as we worked through the year including Music and Art Therapy, to intentionally integrate spiritual formation, intellectual ADHD, the Biology of the Mind, Counselling those with development and skill development. Sexual and Relationship Brokenness, Cognitive Behavior seminars and workshops were conducted Therapy, Trauma Counselling through the Beatitudes, Global School of Counselling is an affiliate school of First Aid and CPR etc. Mr.Joe Abraham, Leadership the Martin Luther Christian University. This has enabled Coach and trainer of John Maxwell Team offered spe- us to offer credible validated programmes, and to be cialized coaching in personality development and pro- at the cutting edge of sound theory and practice that fessionalization. is contemporary and relevant. We are indebted to Dr. Glenn Kharkongar, the Pro-Chancellor of MLCU for his It is indeed remarkable to report that several of our encouragement and guidance. Dr. Glenn’s visit to the alumni have been placed as counsellors in the Ma- school on the 10th of January 2014 and his interac- dras Christian College, Chennai, Little Lambs School, tion with students and faculty, was very enriching and Chennai, a Government School in Bhadravathi and in encouraging. several churches and NGOs. Our students also served commendably as interns at various places like Justice This year Ms. Blessy Lenin, Ms. Susanna Deepthi, Ms. and Care, International Justice Mission, NGOs around Miriam Paul joined the faculty team at GSC and their Bangalore, and schools such as United International sustained input into training, therapy and skill devel- School, St. Mary’s School, TRADA, Poornaprajna School opment has enhanced the learning experience of the etc. One of the institutions where our students worked students. We are also thankful to the host of adjunct had this to say, “I cannot be thankful enough for the faculty that has continued to support the programme participation and valuable contribution of the students bringing their expertise to enrich our learning experi- of Global School of Counseling . . . the victims and the ences. staff were blessed and encouraged by their active participation and their presence.” Our sincere thanks to all We had 26 new students enrolled for our Masters the organizations that opened internship opportunities, in Counselling Psychology program and 12 enrolled and for their investment in the training of our students. for our PG Diploma Program. There are 24 students graduating with the Masters in Counselling Psychology We have networked with St Andrew Centre for HRD and this year. We have seen growth in comparison to last Counselling in Coonoor year’s enrollment. Counselling Psychology