insideSUSSEX Magazine Issue 11 - January 2016 | Page 93

CHARITY a charitable new year’s resolution Have you made any New Year’s resolutions? Are they the ones you’ve made year after year but haven’t kept? Many people do it. Most people do it. And the reason that the majority of New Year’s resolutions aren’t kept is simple: those New Year’s resolutions are just not the right ones for you. Not at the time you make them anyway. Losing weight, putting an end to a bad habit such as smoking or biting your nails, eating more healthily, putting money into savings… They’re great ideas, and good things to do, but if you aren’t ready to do them it won’t matter whether they are New Year’s resolutions or not – they won’t be kept. Basically, make resolutions that will benefit you, and that you’re ready to carry out. BY LISAMARIE LAMB One resolution that fits that bill is another popular one: charity work. Volunteering at a charity, or carrying out some charitable action such as raising money, is a wonderful way to start the new year, and it’s something that will not only make you feel better, but those you are helping will benefit too. Even those of us with the busiest of lives would find it beneficial to take a little time (just one hour a week, or even a month, can make all the difference to everyone involved), or a lot of time, to do our bit for charity. Volunteering, no matter how big a project or how small you think your contribution is, features in most of the top 10 New Year’s resolutions lists that you’ll see. So you’re not alone. Make 2016 the year you volunteer. So how to get started? The good news is ther