insideSUSSEX Magazine Issue 06 - August 2015 | Page 35

THE WINDMILL BRIGHTON N The Windmill is a cozy meeting place for friends and family in the centre of Brighton. Boasting a South facing Sun Trap, it’s the envy of the pub community in the summer months. A m. Inside, the venue welcomes you with its warm and artistic décor. A fantastic menu with evolving Specials is available daily until 10pm. e All food is prepared onsite with the finest local ingredients. Alongside the Famous Sunday Roasts, The Windmill offers Doggie roasts, so it’s not just the customer going home satisfied! C 69 Upper North Street Brighton 01273 202475 Find us on & M Y CM MY CY CMY K "$(!'%'$) %&'$ &)%!   )$&$($%$%& &$)$+-'%&! %,)$&$%"$&% )! $ 0%! $!'& $!%& %&! ! ! / %+%)$!$  $&%$%&'$ &'&! !'$ !$ $%&! %.#'&+-!&+- $%"! %&+,%%! &+/ ! %'$ $&  ' '$)2%1!$&  '2 % ('%0$ ' & ,'%0'$%(  %/ 475!$)!!'$%% 47:!$$!'$%% " '%+&!' + !$ ' , $            ' &! !-!-%&'%%*- 87:3)))/&'$ )))/&'$)$%&'$ &/!/'3"! .56:<5<;68=9 13/08/2014 17:06 35 CurlewWT151.indd 1