cases of skin cancer
every year. This is
an especially shock-
ing statistic consid-
ering that 86% of
cases are preventa-
ble. Although the
risks are made
clear, there are still
people going without
sun-cream in a
heatwave due to
wanting a tan, for-
getting, or just dis-
missing it as unnec-
essary. We are all
guilty of this at
some point in our
lives, however, re-
peated exposure to
the sun without pro-
tection could have
serious consequenc-
As previously men-
tioned, when a heat-
wave strikes we love
to be outdoors en-
joying ourselves.
However, when we
go to leave, how
much are we leaving
behind? With the
level of plastic we
use in the UK at
such an extreme
high, there has been
more litter left on
our beaches than
ever before, un-
doubtedly damaging
wildlife and nature.
It is unfortunate
that it seems to be
the more we use our
beaches the worse
they are treated.
Thankfully there are
great teams of vol-
unteers around the
country that work to
elevate the problem
by litter picking
It is also common dur-
ing heatwaves that the
UK will experience
droughts, particularly
in the southern areas
of England. Although
this doesn’t directly af-
fect us other than the
occasional hosepipe
ban, this can have det-
rimental effects on the
agricultural industry,
especially growing
A crucial point to men-
tion is why Britain is
experiencing these un-
usually hot and ex-
tended heatwaves, and
this is a result of global
warming. This is
caused by the constant
rising levels of green-
house gases (in partic-
ular CO2) released
from burning fossil
where a
‘Great Brit-
ish Beach
Clean’ was
Quote from
the Daily
Express this
blast to
bring 80F
fuels such as coal
and oil. The more
of these gases that
are released, the
hotter the Earth will
eventually become,
meaning these
heatwaves we ex-
perience will only
become more se-
vere unless we
work to reverse the
Therefore these
heatwaves are not
always cause for
celebration, howev-
er, most of us can’t
help but enjoy
them anyway.
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