INSIDER SUMMER 2019 | Page 13

Insider Current affairs should be allowed to tell you what to do with your body. The Naral pro-choice of America president, Ilyse Hogue said, ‘Those with the least amount of power among us are dispro- portionately affect- ed…’ The state senator , Linda Coleman- Madison, also said, ‘For those with the means, it doesn't matter that Alabama bans it. They’re going to find another state , find another country,’ Those who will get most affected are those who are poor and of colour. It has been stated that black and Hispanic people are most like- ly to be affected. In 2017, the abortion rate was 27 for every 1,000 women for black women, 18 for Hispanic women and 10 for white women, cited by the Guttmacher Institute. 75% are poor or earning a low- income, including 49% who live below the federal poverty level. An estimated 5 million women are hospitalized due to abortion complica- tions and 47,000 women die. Some have thought that the ban will only encour- age illegal abortions , which will lead to complications and death. Celebrities such as Rihanna have commented on the widespread ban. On 16th May, Rihanna shared a compilation of the male legislators who voted on the ban in Alabama on Instagram, saying ‘Governor Kay Ivey shame on you.’ Like Governor Kay Ivey, many view the abortion ban as the right thing to do. Governor Kay Ivey- commented, ‘The legis- lature has spoken. It underscores the sanctity of life the people of Ala- bama value so highly.’ 2/3 of Americans wish for the ban to discontin- ue and for abortions to be remain safe and le- gal. What will this mean for the future? Now many states are overturning the Roe.v Wade’s abortion law, many fear that soon the ban will expand into other major states and will become a total ban in America. Wall of Shame The men who legalised the abortion ban No woman can call herself free who does not control her own body. —Margaret Sanger Seventy-seven percent of anti-abortion leaders are men. 100% of them will never be pregnant. —Planned Parenthood ad- “Those with the least amount of power are dispropor- tionately af- fected” Ilyse Hogue No woman has an abor- tion for fun. —Elizabeth Joan Smith No woman wants an abor- tion as she wants an ice cream cone or a Porsche. She wants an abortion as an animal caught in a trap wants to gnaw off its own leg. —Frederica Mathewes- Against abortion? Don’t have one. —Anonymous The College magazine online: