INSIDER SUMMER 2019 | Page 11

Insider International Politics paying the price for the tensions between Venezuela and the US, originating from Chavez’s rise to pow- er, and recently get- ting worse after Pres- ident Trump named Guaidó (the opposi- tion to Maduro) as the Venezuelan presi- dent instead of Madu- ro in January 2019. The US claims to have sent humanitar- ian aid in the form of $20 million worth of food and medical supplies; however this has been blocked by Maduro after he said it was only ‘a plot to meddle in his country’s internal af- fairs’. How exactly are the people of Vene- zuela suffering?  Inflation reached 1 million percent last year, The In- ternational Mone- tary Fund has forecast it will be 10 million percent  At the moment there are over 3 million immigrants and refugees from Venezuela fleeing the country, the UN estimates this number will be 5.3 million by the end of 2019, a close comparison to the Syrian refu- gee crisis  They can´t find jobs and won’t be granted any in Colombia as tem- porary visas are now banned; if they get to Co- lombia they´re lucky if they make $2 a day. However Venezuelans may have a glimmer of hope, through the can- didate Guidó. A Venezuelan citizen says “I’m willing to par- ticipate peacefully in all calls made by President Guaidó that require sup- port. I’m willing to col- laborate voluntarily in protecting and distrib- uting humanitarian aid to the most needy peo- ple.” Spirit and determi- nation is what the peo- ple require at this time, facing the worst eco- nomical collapse outside of war in decades. Recently, on the 14th of May, Amnesty Interna- tional urged the Inter- national Criminal Court to investigate the Vene- zuelan authorities, Venezue- lans cross- ing the bor- der to Co- lombia “I’m willing to collabo- rate volun- tarily in protecting and distrib- uting hu- manitarian aid to the most needy people.” claiming they have committed crimes against humanity during the crack- down on protesting. Amnesty stated "The nature of the attacks… leads Am- nesty International to believe that the Venezuelan authori- ties committed cri- mes against huma- nity,". The world must wake up to an ongo- ing tragedy such as this. Aid is difficult to get into Venezue- la however charities are accepting dona- tions to help. You can donate to Save the Children, who are providing hy- giene kits, water and additional aid to Venezuelan mi- grants in Colombia. The College magazine online: