INSIDER Spring 2019 | Page 12

Insider Finance How to be Smart with your Savings As a student, being clever and getting the most out of your money is important, but sometimes not the easiest thing to achieve. These are some useful tips for how to keep on top of your everyday finances. Amy Cannon As a student at col- lege, it is important to keep on top of your finances, espe- cially with the ex- penses that come with being 17/18. My first piece of advice is planning. It is useful to know each month how much money you are earning (whether that be from a part time job or allowance from parents) and what you spend per month on fixed costs (phone bill, petrol etc). Once you work out how much you have re- maining after your expenses, you have an idea on what can be spent on ‘treats’. Hopefully this will stop you overspend- ing without realising. Another tip for people with debit cards is downloading an online banking app to your phone. On these apps, you can see what you have spent, your interest made, your pending trans- actions and what you have earned. Usually, without online bank- ing, you would only get a bank statement every month/ three months, meaning you may lose track of how much is in your account. My next piece of advice is taking ad- vantage of student discounts and of- fers. Places such as Superdry, New Look, Greggs, Su- perdrug and many more regularly have either perma- nent student dis- counts or seasonal ones. Usually all you need is your student card, how- ever, by signing up to a free ‘Unidays’ account online, you can get a wid- er range of offers. It is easy, once you know which places offer which perks, to make your shopping habits more cost effective. Another good idea, for those that struggle with ex- cessive spending and an inability to save up, is to open up a savings ac- count. You can do this easily and quickly through your bank with your debit card. By having one account for everyday spend- ing and expenses, and a separate ac- count which you use for putting aside a small sum of money each month, it’ll stop you getting tempted to spend all the money in your account as soon as it comes in. This trick is espe- cially beneficial if you are saving up for something par- ticular; whether that be a piece of clothing, a new phone or maybe even a car. It will soon start adding up if you are con- sistent and have enough willpower to leave the money alone! It goes without say- ing trying to secure yourself a part time job will really help you afford both ne- cessities and treats for yourself, it also helps you value the money you earn more and perhaps will encourage you to spend less if you know what it took to earn it. The College magazine online: