Editor's Letter
Victor Calleja
A forum of dreams, a vision of reality
we live in the present we sometimes forget that fear, terrorism, and threats of mayhem have been with us for
many years. The acts of barbarity that were recently seen
are more frightening because we are living them right
now and we saw them happen directly on our screens.
Fear and the mad pursuit of creating disorder have
been a part of life since the beginning of time. Back in
time it was sieges, being attacked by pirates, or being
taken slave by marauding vessels which would sweep
a land clean of all its able-bodied men and women.
Travelling from one city to the next could not have
been easy with highway robberies happening regularly;
having a gun put to their temple while travelling must
have made travellers hate their fortune and their riches
while praying for their life to be spared. Closer to our
times hijackings of planes was a normal occurrence in
the 70s and even Olympic Games were not immune
from atrocities.
Nothing is new under the sun. Nothing has been perfect since we were expelled from that biblical garden
and we lived like men and women, free to act and
think and free to roam the world as travellers, or in
search of better lives. But that a few of us, since time
immemorial, for one cause or another, in the name
of a god or to deny that god, have been in search of
hatred and destruction, is undeniable. The few rotten
apples are definitely few but they cause more harm,
more fear, than an army of good people.