In your dreams...
Have you ever wondered what your best dreams and worst
nightmares really mean and what they say about you?
Amy Cannon and Olivia Larkin
What are
Dreams are a
combination of
thoughts, imag-
es and emotions.
Most dreams oc-
cur during ‘REM’
stage of sleep
(rapid eye move-
ment) which
makes up one
quarter of our
sleep. In a full
night’s sleep, we
could have 3-5
laps of REM.
Why do we
There is no defi-
nite answer to
this question but
scientists have
suggested it
could be our
bodies confront-
ing emotions,
storing memo-
ries and sorting
through them or
just a conse-
quence of bio-
logical process-
10 Interesting Facts about dreams:
1. We forget 90% of our dreams.
2. Everybody dreams.
3. Visually impaired people can still dream visual-
4. We only dream of what we see and know in real
5. Not everyone dreams in colour.
6. Babies do not dream about themselves until the
age of three.
7. You cannot tell the time or read in your dreams.
8. If you wake up in the middle of your dream you
are more likely to remember it.
9.Animals dream too.
10. We often forget our dreams because the chem-
ical that helps you remember (norepinephrine) is
at its lowest levels when we are dreaming.
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