INSIDER February 2019 | Page 12

Insider Mya Morrison Friendship or politics? Can’t have both apparently As we come up to the next presidential election people are already thinking about who they want next in power. Regardless of your own political standing, it’s important that we don’t let these political opin- ions tear friendships apart. When it comes to politics a lot of the time people as- sume the characters of oth- ers based on their political standing. The backgrounds that people come from often dictates their politics and how they see the world, and how many people face dif- ferent issues that others don’t which may persuade them to choose a certain person over another in elec- tions. It’s important to un- derstand that people may be going through things that you yourself do not consider an issue, such as the issues of immigration and raising the minimum wage, which all affect people differently. Even if you don’t feel like these topics are actual is- sues or not, you do need to realise that these affect oth- er people and will sway peo- ple to have a certain stance politically, and people need to understand this. to say and not misrepresent their opinions based on their political standing. Often at times I hear people immediate- ly judge someone based on where they lean, instead of lis- tening to their opinions they brand people negatively auto- matically, calling those on the left to be following the crowd and those on the right to be fascists. Alternatively, listen to what they have to say and why they think the way they do be- fore prejudging them. share the same ideals as different celebrities, such as ideas about gun laws, when said celebrity alludes to wanting to run for presiden- cy people will support them regardless of if they’re qual- ified. In an interview with The Hill, Oprah Winfrey commented on running for the 2020 election, saying "I thought, 'oh gee, I don’t have the experience, I don’t know enough'... And now I’m thinking — Oh." While many people would be be- hind her on this I believe the statement to be hypo- critical, she acknowledges the fact Trump is not expe- rienced enough to be presi- dent yet she herself be- lieves she can run, yet many people will still con- tinue to support her running because of her outlooks on life and politics. There’s America’s next nothing wrong agreeing president? with a celebrity, but we also have to realise that they are Anyone whose gotten into not qualified and experi- After the events of the last political discussions or de- enced to run a country and American presidential election bates know that people can we’ve seen an onslaught of that it’s okay to disagree get very heated and pas- with other people’s choice celebrities wanting to run for sionate when talking, but president to which many people of candidates. often this leads to people agree with. One complaint not being open minded many people had with Trump is Regardless of your own about other people’s point opinions and politics it’s im- his lack of skills in politics, to of view. If you do not listen which I personally agree with portant that you accept oth- to the views of others noth- as I believe that those in power er people’s opinions, and to ing will ever get solved, should have a lot of experience not demonise someone who whether someone is left doesn’t think the same way with politics. Saying that, why leaning, right leaning, or in do so many people now want to as you. the middle, it’s vital that see other celebrities run? It you listen to what they have seems to be that people who The College magazine online: