Sun, Sea and Ice Cream—
Cornwall is the place to go
The best places to visit, stay and relax in the beautiful
destination of Cornwall including my own experience.
- Written by Chloe Harman
Waking up extra ear-
ly in the morning is
the best thing about
going on holiday. 4
o’clock and my body
is filled with excite-
ment. The darkness
surrounds me and I
can hear nothing but
the faint sound of
cars driving past
knowing that it will
be me soon, it will be
me who is sitting in
the back of the car,
driving around the
empty roads for 6
hours. The realisation
of everyone being
asleep and me being
awake makes me feel
even more thrilled.
After a painstakingly
long journey and
many stops along the
way, I finally entered
the beautiful county
of Cornwall, well
known for its stun-
ning beaches and de-
licious ice cream. I
went to the Eden Pro-
ject as soon as I got
there. It was beauti-
ful, like stepping into
a whole new dimen-
sion. There were
many photo opportu-
nities and millions of
flowers dotted around
the place, most of
which I had never seen
before. Although, there
were many hills and
long walks, I had a fan-
tastic time exploring the
different biomes. The
rainforest biome was
my favourite, learning
about the different ani-
mals that lived there
and all the different
species of plants. You
could walk right to the
top of the biome and
look down to see breath
-taking views of the for-
est below you. After a
while the heat hit me,
the typical temperature
The Eden
Project ‘Lush,
colourful, ed-
The Lost Gar-
dens Of Heli-
inside a rainforest is
30 degrees and
they like to make it
as realistic as possi-
ble. Fortunately,
there is a cold room
in the middle of the
rainforest so you
can take a much-
needed time out
from the unbearable
heat. After a won-
der through the
rainforest and the
Mediterranean bi-
ome (which was
much cooler) we
couldn’t leave Corn-
wall without visiting
the Lost Gardens of
Heligan. A magical
place where you
can let your imagi-
nation run wild.
Hundreds of trees
arching the path-
ways making you
feel 5 years old
again stepping into
your own fairy-tale
and hidden statues
made out of twigs
and leaves surpris-
ing you every time
you turn the corner.
The best part was
walking through the
wild flower meadow
which was all the
eye could see. Miles
and miles of pop-
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