insideKENT Magazine Issue 96 - March 2020 | Page 127

IN ASSOCIATION WITH EDUCATION AN EDUCATED DECISION - EDUCATE YOURSELF ABOUT EDUCATION IN KENT THE RIGHT EDUCATION PROVIDES A SOLID FOUNDATION FOR WHATEVER JOURNEY LIFE TAKES US ON. AN IMPORTANT, AND SOMETIMES COMPLEX TOPIC, CHOOSING THE RIGHT EDUCATION ESTABLISHMENT FOR YOUR CHILD IS OF PARAMOUNT IMPORTANCE. BUT WHERE TO START? In our beautiful county of Kent, we are spoilt for choice! There are over 700 sought after grammar offerings, world-leading independent schools and top-class further and higher education institutions, which represent some of the best the UK has to offer. Kent Schools Are Some of the Best Performers: Kent is a hive of world-class education institutions. Pre-prep nursery settings, prep schools, day and boarding upper schools, we have an impressive roster of institutions offering a variety of qualifications, impressive curriculums and extra-curricular activities. According to the Knowledge Academy, Kent has the third highest amount of children being privately educated in the country; with just under 21,000 children taking a place at one of our 57 independent schools. Outside of the independent sector and according to the latest report from Ofsted (The Education, Children’s Services and Skills Annual report 2018 /19), Kent schools were some of the top performers. 92% of primary schools and 86% of secondary schools were judged as good or outstanding, exceeding the national average. As Chris Russell, Ofsted Director for the South East said: “Overall, the South East is a good place to be a child. Nine out of ten schools are judged to be good or better, and it’s great to see the proportion of good and outstanding secondary schools rising. Those pupils are well-placed to go onto further education if they choose to do so. The South East performs better than England when it comes to further education colleges and skills providers.” The Admissions Process Applying for your child’s school place can seem a daunting process. When do I need to apply? How long after applying will I get a decision? What admission criteria do I need to meet? What happens if my child doesn’t get a place at their chosen school? The list of questions can seem endless. Well don’t worry. If you are applying to a state funded school, the admission process in Kent is fairly straightforward, and all the information can be found at If your child is looking to attend one of our amazing grammar schools, they will need to sit the Test 11+ and be assessed to see if they are suitable. Whilst each independent school will have its own entry criteria, with exam entry for 11+ or 13+ entry as standard. There are also a range of bursary and scholarship options available to support with fees and costs. Choosing the Right School Finding the right school for your child is an important, and individual, choice. The best advice is to do your research, and there are plenty of places that can help you. Ofsted and the Independent School Council are good starting points to give you an overview of academic performance, and other sources such as The Good Schools Guide can also provide recommendations. Word of mouth and reputation can help with the decision making process, but the best way to find the right school for your child, is to go and visit and take a look around. You will be able to ask any questions you have, meet the teaching staff, and get a real feel for the school beyond just academic results. You will be able to assess the atmosphere, ethos and culture, meet current students and, most importantly, your child will be able to express an opinion on how they found the school – after all, they are the ones who will be spending all their time there, and it is important that they have a say in the decision. In this education special feature, insideKENT will provide you with the very best information, advice and contacts you will need to help you make an educated decision for you and your child. 127