Today’s lifestyle and the desire for instant garden impact is the motivation behind The Tree & Hedge
Company, a family firm set up and led by father and son, Alan and Ben Jones whose principle is to
inspire and create amazing solutions for their customers outdoor living spaces and strive to provide
a level of plant supply and gardening excellence.
Supply Plant Maintain
From nursery to garden; all plants
supplied to their customers are
grown and matured in suitable
environments and maintained to
the highest standards of
horticultural practice. When transplanting to site;
plants are handled by dedicated
installation teams, some of the
most experienced people available
at handling and planting mature
hedges, and large plants. Aftercare maintenance;
dedicated grounds maintenance
teams available including
agronomist, experienced in
establishing and maintaining
newly created gardens.
Award-winning instant hedges and fully formed
hedge elements are available in evergreen and
deciduous species, including some unusual options like
Ilex crenata, an excellent substitute/option for the
blight prone Buxus or Quercus ilex, a beautiful
‘evergreen’ oak hedge. “Our native mixture hedges
produce flowers, fruit, nuts and seeds that attract
many insects which in turn among others, attract
predatory insects and birds which helps to create a healthy ecosystem ensuring a natural balance
within the garden”. “They provide important safe havens for birds, butterflies, moths and small
mammals so planting a native hedge is one of the best things you can do to increase biodiversity in
your garden”.
Semi-mature trees and fine topiaries create instant
impact. As well as arranging the planting of their own
plants The Tree & Hedge Company also offers a
special guaranteed service to others like Garden
Designers, Landscape Architects, Landscapers and
Developers who do not have the resources to handle
large plants.
3B 3b Orchard
Iver | | Buckinghamshire
Buckinghamshire | SL0
| SL0
Orchard Cottage
Cottage | | Thorney
Thorney Weir
Weir | | Iver
01895 438
438 811
811 |