insideKENT Magazine Issue 83 - February 2019 | Page 122

RANDOM ACTS OF kindness CONT. DON'T BE AFRAID TO COMPLIMENT A STRANGER, AND LEAVE POSITIVITY WHEREVER YOU CAN. EVERYDAY KINDNESS Smile – everyday to everyone. Make a point of smiling at strangers; it heightens mood, aids happiness, will often result in a smile in return and hopefully will inspire them to smile more that day too. Say thank you (and mean it) and make a point of a saying a special thank you every week to someone such as your delivery driver, refuse collector, or your childcare provider. Hold open a door and give up your seat, be it on the train, the bus or even in a waiting room. When it comes to driving, give up your parking space and be polite on the road or take time to help someone who is lost. We’ve all been in the wrong lane, edged out at a dodgy turning and done the circuit for the best spot at the car park – even when you may feel in a rush you can afford to give up a few minutes of your time. Be kind to your server, cashier and waiting staff. Manners cost nothing, but when you can afford it, leave a generous tip to recognise good service and make a difference to your server. Pay for coffee for the next person in line, or add one to the tab for someone who couldn’t afford one otherwise. Next time you dine, anonymously gift dessert for a neighbouring table. 122 Compliment generously by leaving a positi ve comment on a b log post you have enjoyed reading. Tell a parent how well behaved their child is, congratulate someone on how well they look. Don’t be afraid to compliment a stranger – tell them you love their hair, coat, shoes etc. Praise a local business online, and better yet, don’t write that angry Facebook post or tweet – let it go instead. When dining out, eat local to support local producers and providers; when dining in, cook an extra portion of dinner to share with a neighbour or freeze for someone else, or invite someone over to dine with you. Share a favourite recipe; make two lunches and give one away, and when shopping, buy extra dog or cat food and donate it to a local rehoming or rescue centre. Leave a pound taped to a trolley, or by a pay & display machine; return a shopping trolley for someone who is loading up their car or let someone go ahead of you at the checkout. Give your time and volunteer to read at a local primary school, visit a car e home and play a board game with a resident, or take out a neighbour’s rubbish bin. Litter pick next time you are out and see rubbish on the streets, and put an end to the selfie by offering to take a photo for someone. Donate what you can: old books or toys to your local hospital, or clothes for y our local charity. Take flow ers into a car e home , hospital or hospice, staff will know of someone who doesn’t receive visitors and pass them on or place them in a relative’s room. Create a car e package for the homeless, fill an old handbag with women’s hygiene products or a new pair of socks with a toothbrush and deodorant. Leave positivity wherever you can – leave a positive message or inspirational quote on post-its or notecards somewhere public, in toilets, traffic light buttons, a supermarket shelf or inside a library book.