insideKENT Magazine Issue 76 - July 2018 | Page 167

AMY’S STORY It was a normal Sunday and my husband Jim had gone out cycling. I was nine-months pregnant, so I was at home looking after our toddler. It got late and when Jim hadn’t returned home, I knew something was wrong. Two police officers knocked on the door and told me that Jim had been involved in a life-threatening accident. Jim must have gone over the handlebars of his bike, his face and chest hitting the road first. His injuries included a broken spine, multiple breaks to his facial and jaw bones, a broken sternum and broken ribs. He also suffered a bleed to his brain. Air Ambulance Kent Surrey Sussex was called and their crew anaesthetised Jim at the roadside. This kept him still and prevented any further swelling to his brain. Once Jim was treated at the scene, he was airlifted to King’s College Hospital in London. While Jim was still in an induced coma, our daughter Mabel was born. I had no idea whether or not Jim would pull through to meet our new baby. Thankfully, he did and he has made an amazing recovery. He really is my hero. But, other heroes played a part in our story. Without the fast response from Air Ambulance Kent Surrey Sussex, I don’t know if Jim would still be here today. And, of course, the people who support this charity are heroes – thanks to them, their amazing crew was able to be there when Jim needed them. 01622 833 833 [email protected] kssairambulance KSSAirAmbulance 167